Monday, September 14, 2015

if we have a surplus, it means we're not spending enough.

no. seriously. he's failed to properly allocate state expenditures. i demand that this money be spent, or be mailed out in the form of dividends.

You should be running for the NDP... You'd fit right into that group.

Jessica Murray
the ndp will be quick to point out that they are the most fiscally conservative of the major parties. which is the major reason i don't vote for them.

Portion of every surplus should go to pay off national debt. You know what I am talking about, right? The National Debt.

Jessica Murray
yeah, that's a great idea. and, why don't we just create a banker's sales tax while we're at it? you'll see it on the receipt...


Look around and see how your fellow Canadians have suffered to balance the budget. If we have a budget it's meant a great deal of negative consequences.

Jessica Murray
well, i see people suffer to touch their nose to their tongue, too - it doesn't mean much to me. i don't want to laugh too hard at them, though. it's a failure in prerogatives.

i mean, if you're going out of your way to choose to suffer to balance the federal budget, you're really a special kind of stupid. it's a meaningless accounting abstraction. but, i guess it strengthens the point that balanced budgets are an ideology, right? i'm not even sure exactly what that means. voluntary donations to the bank? we haven't really implemented austerity in canada, and if we were going to it would be at the provincial level.

the reality is that we had a deficit in the first place because the government cut taxes too much. the only thing that's really changed over the last ten years is that the economy has caught up. harper has really just grown himself out of deficit, regardless of what he says. but there wouldn't have been a deficit in the first place if it weren't for his fiscal incompetency in his decision to slash taxes.

i have a hard time with this, because the entire discussion is in the realm of fantasy. y'all are horribly brainwashed.