Thursday, August 22, 2019

i needed to sleep today, clearly.

after i finished the facebook part last night, i spent the overnight pushing myself to stay awake while sorting through google takeout options over various old accounts, looking mostly for youtube comments. i just wanted to be sure i've got everything, as i move into a final push over the 2013-2018 phase, which i suppose will end up being period 5 in the end. it won't let me download data from two old accounts unless i use a phone, which i don't actually have. i mean, it's telling me to use the hardware i usually log in from, but the fact is that this is the hardware i've logged into from the most over the last two years, anyways, and probably, on the balance, over the last ten years. i think it's the only hardware i've logged into these accounts from since this time in 2017. the fact is that the accounts are over ten years old, and i don't remember what computer i created them on, although i am sure that i created them in ottawa.

a google search indicates that this is a problem for a lot of people, but that nobody has an answer.

i would put out a request to google to stop doing this. frankly, this is stupid: i'm giving you a valid password from a machine i've logged into repeatedly over a long period of time, and you're telling me i can't access my own data because i can't prove i'm not a thief. there's not even anything useful in there. i don't even have a credit card. i didn't sign up for an extra layer of security, and if i could i'd opt out of it. maybe, instead of forcing unwanted security measures on a large number of people that keep dummy accounts for various reasons, google could make enhanced security a paid feature for corporate clients, or something. my concern is not security; i don't have anything worthwhile to secure. my concerns is that i want my data, and i want google to stop making it so difficult to get access it.

as it is, i think i've already cleared these accounts out, so what i'm missing out on is just triple-checking that i didn't miss anything. and, i'm moving on.

in the meantime, i got the facebook data - txt messages. some comments. some pictures. - into the master document.

moving forwards, i'm going to add another redundancy check, just to make sure the data is consistent. this is going to be a cross-reference between each of the blogs as they exist, before updating them, with the master document, from the start. so, i'll be able to pull any stray posts into the master document before i redistribute. that's going to be my task for the evening...

i'll then be able to move any remaining data i have from the filing into the master document, and properly distribute it into the blogs and docs from there.

the humidity and temperature have crashed outside, but it's still a little damp in here, so i'm going to wait until i get through october before i take a serious look at doing a thorough clean. it's hard for me to tell what the background smell is. is it the smell of sewer gas on the walls, and some of my furniture? can i clean it off? is it seeping up from under the flooring? would some cheap rugs help? and, was this the "smoke" i was smelling that was making me sick? if i give it a few more days to kind of settle, i may have a better idea. it might not be obvious what the best approach is for a while, though...

for now, if i can get to posting before sunrise then i think i'm doing well.