Friday, June 7, 2024

i had to get some groceries done and to clean the apartment up but i'm going to need to flash this board over the weekend.

i've been able to boot my backup pIII 500 into xp if i have to use it in the short run. i could also finally build my 64 bit pc. but i don't want to lose the 32-bit tower and will need to replace the board if i can't fix it.

i'm pissed off, but so be it.

i am still redesigning my network and there is a large list of things i will need to do before i can regain some semblance of normality and get back to work. my new year's resolution was made with honest intent and in good faith, but i have not been able to follow thtough. 

there is going to be a series of new blogs coming relatively shortly, and this blog will be reserved strictly for political analysis. but, i've been unable to do function in any sense whatsoever while i've been fighting with my hormones, as it has required me to spend all of my waking time cleaning myself and eating. if the drugging is at least over, i can hopefully get back to doing something shortly.

for right now, i need to clean the apartment and focus on trying to save my main pc so that i know if i can or not. this is a dominant priority, and i will need to prioritize replacing it with a comparable board if i can't flash it back to health.