Tuesday, May 21, 2019

there's not a lot of details released so far, and, as i said before, it seems more like political rhetoric than actual policy - and again reflective of the alternate reality that this government exists within. i mean, who the fuck wants the government policing the internet? twitter?

it sounds to be me like they're trying to ruin the internet, and this is going to be horribly unpopular with everybody outside of the twittersphere, and probably cost them votes and maybe even seats.

but, as an aside, the extensive negotiation process enforced by the eugpdr every time you want to visit a website sure is absolutely fucking annoying and inconvenient, isn't it? can i not opt out of the eugpdr? i don't even live there.

you can't have "online privacy", it's a contradiction in terms. the internet is a public forum, and you need to treat it like one.

i guess i don't really care if people are paranoid about this, but i don't want it to inconvenience me in any way, and i'd like to have the option to just opt-in to data sharing, manage what i'm exposing myself to on my own and not be asked about it every thirty seconds.
