Wednesday, September 18, 2024

i'm going to say what i said previously.

a broader war against hezbollah is clearly morally and strategically justified and i'd like to see nato come to israel's defense. unfortunately, nato is bogged down in a pointless war in ukraine, which has no strategic value to the united states or to europe, and which is a conflict that is even directly against europe's self-interest, and is wasting billions of dollars and screwing up all kinds of economic efficiencies attacking the russians, who want to be our friends, when those funds and resources could be spent securing a more strategic area, namely the middle east, and destroying people that hate us and want to fight us, namely muslims. this is the catastrophic and backwards mess biden has created, which the next president will need to clean up so that nato can more easily defend it's interests in strategic reasons like the suez canal and red sea, a well as the persian gulf, instead of wasting money and time fighting in eastern europe, which is useless, and creating enemies out of would be friends.

hopefully, joe biden is the last hurrah of the cold war and the end of the 20th century and the last idiot trying to fight the ruskies and the next set of leaders just pick up his entire foreign policy disaster at an arm's distance like a soiled diaper and throw it in the bin, in an attempt to start over fresh from scratch. we'll see.

so, a broader war against hezbollah is justified and i think america should be taking the lead in fighting it.

as it is, unfortunately, it might not be very smart for israel to try to do such a thing alone, even it is morally and strategically correct. they need to find some allies somewhere in order to do this. that may require waiting for the united states to elect somebody that realizes the wisdom in pulling out of ukraine and more efficiently allocating nato's strategic resources to more valuable areas, first.