Wednesday, September 18, 2024

i'm having a lot of continuing lingering issues with these stupid religious people, who refuse to allow me the right to self-autonomy in choosing my gender and sexual orientation but want to decide it was determined by "god".

there is no such thing as god. it's a dumb, primitive idea that has no place in the 21st century. we don't need god to explain the universe. the idea creates more questions than answers and is no longer a useful way to understand the world.

but, that's just the point - this issue about gender and orientation isn't a debate amongst atheists, who understand these are all choices and all exist on a spectrum. "born this way" is a religious position, it's not based on any kind of science, and this is a debate that exists strictly in the religious community, where on one side you have biological determinists that insist god made your gender and heteronormality is baked into it and on the other hand you have religious inclusionists that want to argue that god made everybody equal and we need to love each other how we're made.

i don't take either position.

i vehemently reject the existence of god as stupid and primitive and childish.

i take the position that evolution is random and unguided and that i've somehow evolved cognition and we've somehow developed medicine to the point that i have the ability to do what i want to my body and therefore have the right to because i own it. i wasn't born as a transgendered person. there is no biological condition called "transgenderism"; it is not a genetic condition, it is not genetic variation and it is not some kind of disease. it is an arbitrary, harmless and meaningless choice that free people can make to modify their body, as transhumanists, in a free and secular and liberal society.

so, i want to get out of this bullshit. i'm not interested in the debate, as it has been framed by the religious left. i own my body and want the right to do what i want with it and the right to fuck who i want, when i want, however frequently or infrequently, in the way i want. this is about free will. this isn't about god, which is an intellectually bankrupt idea that needs to be aggressively forgotten.

i would imagine that, in a free society of the future, people will modify their bodies as they choose, arbitrarily, without being constrained by archaic anachronisms like gender identity theory.