Wednesday, July 24, 2024

did joe biden pass substantive climate legislation that will reduce emissions?


what joe biden did was pass massive tax cuts for fossil fuel companies, and market it as a climate change strategy.

the political obituaries lionizing biden as a climate hero are going to be read in ten years and ridiculed. the "positive incentives" in the form of massive tax cuts and subsidies are largely tied to efficiency measures that the companies were in the process of advancing anyways and will have no effect at all, meaning the net result will be an increase rather than a decrease in emissions. analysts will look back at the biden administration as a failed opportunity.

in fact, these bills were written to receive and in fact did receive the support of joe manchin and moderate republicans and should be analyzed from that perspective. these were not "progressive" bills at all. not remotely.

i don't have time for it, but somebody needs to do the math on how many tax cuts and subsidies that biden sent to major polluters and emissions producers. turn it into a graphic. make it sobering.

this is what biden was very good at, smoke and mirrors. he was a master of spin. and, i can only tell him to go spin in his grave.