Wednesday, July 24, 2024

i'm a very white person and, as per the polling results, kamala harris is therefore a much less interesting candidate to me than joe biden was, even as i couldn't possibly endorse either of them, because they're both conservatives.

i don't consider the outcome of the election, in terms of popular support, to be unclear. trump is going to win the swing states, he's going to win the popular vote and he's going to win states that are not currently considered to be in play. this should be seen as a massive failure in democratic party strategy, given that they have an overwhelming structural advantage, but they continue to be hell bent on running horrifically weak and unelectable candidates (of which i include biden, clinton and harris) when all they need to do to win by substantive margins is run electable candidates, which they have, but won't support.

the narrative developing in this election is boring. the democrats want to run a black woman by claiming she's good enough, smart enough and goddammit people like her. like the people writing the narrative, the narrative had a best before date of about 1985. nobody cares.

i don't know what it means to be qualified to be president, but kamala harris has no executive experience and i'm not aware of any bills that she wrote while in the senate for ten minutes. she's been a career politician that has accomplished nothing of substance and survives by shaking hands and soliciting political donations. she is simply going to do what she's told.

i'm not interested in these candidates and the polling outcome is clear. this is consequently now boring to me and you should expect minimal commentary and analysis.

i frankly don't see a substantive difference between trump and harris on policy issues (which is why the election is going to be about personalities and not issues) and don't really care who wins. please vote for jill stein to help develop a viable third party, instead.

i want to say one thing about biden before i shut this down for the cycle.