Wednesday, November 4, 2015

A- on the cabinet.

a few of the female cabinet positions were beyond softball. what is a minister for democratic institutions? or for small business and tourism? what's frustrating is that there was really no reason to do that, other than a desire for a glossy photo-op cabinet. the reality is that a few young female mps got cabinet positions because they're photogenic, while older and more qualified ones didn't because they're not photogenic. i don't like this direction - at all.

but, it's only applicable to a couple of them. mostly, the picks ranged from obvious to reasonable to acceptable.

i don't think alberta should have received two cabinet ministers. they voted for the opposition. i'd like to see them sit in it for a bit. that kind of pandering is disappointing, but at least they didn't get anything related to climate change. i hope that this does not become a theme, and that trudeau is able to have the backbone to stand up to albertans. i'm really sick of albertans running the country - and we just tossed them to curb with very serious intent.

i don't know anything at all about harjit sajjan other than that he's a veteran. ideally, i'd like to see the ministry of national defence taken over by a peace activist willing to convert it into a peace ministry. i doubt that this is that person, but i have to admit i admire the panache in putting a sikh person of colour in national defence. that is going to enrage conservatives, and i enjoy that.

there is only one pick that i actively dislike - jim carr at natural resources. i was really hoping this would go to a decidedly left-leaning voice willing to stop "business as usual". jim carr suggests that we are dealing with "business as usual" and need to immediately start protesting against pipelines.

but, over all? it's pretty good.