Friday, November 13, 2015

i'm sorry, but these are not logical targets. josh homme may be the master of desert rock, but that alone doesn't make him a target for religious extremists. rather, this strikes me as a disgusting attempt to derail the climate talks. the only question in my mind is whether it's being derailed by nato or russia - and i would suggest russia is the more likely culprit, given their history of this (see climategate).


still no claim of responsibility.

when a terrorist group carries out an attack, the first thing they do is claim responsibility. this is true of every terrorist group, from the ira to aum shinrikyo. if it was isis, or al qaeda, we'd know by now - because they'd have told us.

terrorism is not about committing a crime and then trying to get away with it. it's about brazenly creating a disruption, then trying to draw as much attention to the cause as possible. it's a protest tactic.

there are a number of possible other suspects that may have motives that are more stealth, but understand this: every single one of them is going to stage it as an attack by muslims. if it's some kind of excuse to create a police state for the cop21 [i doubt that - this is far too extreme], they'd set it up as a threat by muslim extremists. if it's some kind of attempt by the oil industry to derail cop21 [i doubt that - this is the thing of science fiction], they'd set it up as a threat by muslim extremists. if it's an operation by russian black ops to derail the cop21 [this is my guess....and perhaps with other goals as well], they'd set it up as a threat by muslim extremists.

on it's own, this consequently suggests nothing of value - other than that whomever organized it set it up to look like an attack by muslim extremists.

i think the russians are the only really serious suspect, right now. the organization. the kalashnikovs. chechens? they've derailed climate talks before but not like this. and, there's a much broader scope in which to put this in context.

in the end, we may be fed the line that it's al qaeda, even though we'd have expected them to claim responsibility by now - and the fact that they haven't all but rules them out.

but, i think this is far more than it appears.