Tuesday, January 19, 2016

see, i don't...

can a conservative explain to me why you want to be at this meeting?


Kopaja _Avenger
I'm not a conservative but I'll try to explain. Being in that room actually allows Canada to sway the group to a plan that actually may work. If we are not in the room we cant tell others why the agreed to plan may fail or garner opposite to desired results (which keeps on happening).

jessica murray
yeah, you're not a conservative - you're too naive.

It should be obvious but then you ask that a "conservative" give you an explanation. So you are no doubt a Lib partisan playing dumb.

We are engaged in a war Jessica. Our allies are holding important strategic, planning sessions. We aren't invited. Decisions will be made affecting our military operations and Canada won't have a say. We have been sent to the kid's table.

jessica murray
well, no. i've been over this many times. i'm many degrees to the left of the liberal party.

you're not really answering the question: why, exactly, do you want to be involved in this war?

i mean, from my perspective it was more like we were stuck in something we couldn't get out of. we didn't really have the choice of withdrawal. if the americans are going to give us that option, i'd say we should jump at it.