Saturday, February 6, 2016


given the historical circumstances regarding the current state of electronic music, i do not want to come down on this too hard. but, i have to be blunt. it's great that some of the bigger promoters are trying to look around to find some kind of artistic counterweight to the blunt artlessness of modern dance music. but, if what you're presenting is this? then, i won't blame the kids for walking out and muttering "this is boring" under their breath. because, they're right.

this has a time and place. namely at 4:00 am, when you're winding down. or, if you insist on billing it, in a hippie/psych pit.

it doesn't make sense to bill this as a headliner in a dance club. and, it's dangerous. because you're not really opening anything up. rather, you're erecting a brick wall.