Thursday, February 4, 2016

history repeats itself as farce, right?

listen: this is better than most of the "new" techno that i've heard over the last fifteen years. which is not to reduce the entire century to this dj set, so much as it is to point out that it's a little better - and actually encourage it, as the miniscule level of progress out of the abyss of absolute trash that it represents. this appears to be very trendy and whatnot. so, i don't want to come down on it too hard, lest i encourage a dubstep revival.

but, even, so...the truth is that this is what it would sound like if somebody took the 90s and watered it down to it's most basic level. and produced it with a hard beat. this is acid again, i guess.

and, i know that every other artform stagnated in the 90s, so techno shouldn't be any different, right? it's not fair to hold it to a different set of standards based on arbitrary projections created by the feeling that history was over, and there was nothing but future ahead of us. but, there was a lot of mental baggage attached to it, dammit.

i'm not bitter. really. i'm not coming down too hard. or not trying to. i see what the alternative is. really. it's just a little frustrating when "forward-thinking" means "could have been released in 1993".

in 2016, futuristic means not 80s.


retro means 80s.

futuristic means 90s.

it's total artistic stagnation. fukuyama may have been wrong about equality, but he seems to have been right about music.

it's been 1995 for twenty years.

and, that's an entire life time, now, for some people that are old enough to get into clubs.

maybe my alter-reality will help break it open a little. give it a kickstart on an alternate evolution.