Monday, February 1, 2016

you know what's hilarious?

i pride myself on being ahead of the curve. it's repeatedly demonstrable.

i'm just seeing this now - early on the morning of feb 1. and, i had decided to do a react series as a parody on my channel on jan 25. i upload staggered over eight days, so the vlog for the 25th will come up tonight a little after midnight. i split the reacts section off when i uploaded yesterday, and published it prematurely to get the playlist to show up on the front page. i have three further scheduled uploads and a few more in the editing stage.

i'm not using the fancy graphics; my parodies are extremely tongue-in-cheek. even if you're smart, you're probably only picking up a fraction of it. it's by design. you're not as much of a nerd as i am. trust me. so, you can't keep up.

i'm going to be reacting to political speeches, history documentaries, chomsky lectures and whatnot. and, i'll be speaking in complete sentences.
