Monday, June 6, 2016

j reacts to the idea that sanders will benefit from the email scandal

dude. listen. you're half right, but you're grasping at straws.

what you're suggesting is that hillary will be indicted before the convention, and bernie will therefore be the nominee. but, this is some kind of projective fantasy thinking.

in fact, the reason that hillary has not been indicted yet - and everybody agrees that the investigation is dragging it's feet - is that bernie refuses to concede. do you think that these people want bernie sanders to be president? i mean, get real.

see, it's the great lie, right. the thing that lets the system function. the perception that the united states is a democracy. but, we all know it really isn't, that the whole thing is political theatre. every cycle. every time.

they've got great screenwriters, though. really.

here's the plot, dude:

1) they've gotta get rid of bernie, first, before they can think about indicting hillary. so long as bernie is running, she'll prolong the charges. don't be surprised if the indictment comes within hours of bernie conceding.

2) then, once bernie's gone, they can use the email scandal to take down hillary. and, don't be surprised when this happens, either. expect a complete media take down. expect it to be brutal. expect it to be final.

so, no, it won't be bernie. but, here's an interesting twist: the only way to stop the indicitment is probably for bernie to launch an independent run at the exact same time as he drops out of the democratic primary.

otherwise, you're looking at the party bosses picking a candidate - and bernie's not on the list.