Monday, September 12, 2016

j reacts to google+ winning the long game, but as consolation prize

also, who uses google+? well, they may end up picking up a substantial market by default. let's get some things clear.

1) nobody reads their newsfeeds. well, not literally. but...
2) facebook has become basically unusable.
3) twitter has a character limit.

i know that people are increasingly opting towards personal messages, which was...i'm dating myself by pointing to icq. msn. fucking email? but, that's not what this is. i'm not talking to an audience of loved people. i'm broadcasting to strangers.

....and i want to write up a few lines, if i'm going to write anything at all.

the cleanliness of the interface is key. i mean, i could use tumblr, or something. it's just messy. livejournal charges. you don't want to think "she's picking google+ over twitter?", as though that's a real choice. no. my real options, given how much i type, are google+ or tumblr. and, this is just an easier delivery mechanism...

i get that most people don't like to read. but, in the long run, google+ may be all that's left standing for those that do.