Wednesday, November 30, 2016

thomas mulcair is attacking justin trudeau for his willingness to open up nafta.

“How can the Prime Minister put an entire trade deal on the table before he says anything to Canadians about what he is looking for?”

really. really...

it's a sad day in canada when the leader of the ndp champions nafta. a sad day, indeed.

after refusing to step down after voters clearly rejected his rightward shifting of the party's positions, which were in clear contempt of the party's platform, mr. mulcair was unceremoniously dumped by his own party. we are now months past his own party's rejection of his political positions, and he refuses to stand down.

mr. mulcair, the voters have spoken. the party members have spoken. your mps have spoken. it is time for you to sit down and be quiet. it is time for you to go away. it is time for you to let go of the position that you would not let go of, that has been stripped from you and that nobody has faith in you to hold.

trudeau's comments will not hurt him, politically. but, mulcair is continuing to remind us why he lost his own base.

the party of douglas has become the party of mindless obstructionism. and, if this is what it has to offer, then it is time that it merge not with the liberals but with the tories.

my sadness is only eclipsed by my disgust.


yeah. they took it down.

they took their platform down.

and, then they wonder why they lost their base?

this is what the ndp's donors and voters and grassroots had in their platform, before mulcair took it down.

“Renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to protect Canadian sovereignty, especially in investment and energy security.”

and, mulcair has been taken down, himself. he's just stuck in cache; he just refuses to go away.

F5. F5. F5. fuck. work...