Wednesday, February 15, 2017

i'm not commenting much on this, because i continue to be of the opinion (and that's what it is at this point) that the trump-is-in-bed-with-putin line is essentially a cia psy-op that is being developed to remove trump from office. the real establishment guy here is pence and has been from the start.

i just want to point out that it's playing out roughly as i suggested, which is as follows.

1) do everything possible to stop sanders. he's the real threat. they even let clinton win the nomination - that's how much they feared sanders.
2) but, then it's clinton v. trump, which is crazy v. crazy. it really put the intelligence establishment in a lose-lose situation. trump may have even caught them off guard, when they were focusing on stopping sanders. and, then, it's, like "shit...".
3) so, the plan was to rig the election to prevent clinton from winning, but that meant rigging it for trump. so, they did it in such a way that would allow them to take trump down after. namely, they leaked all kinds of shit and then blamed it on russia. this reading of the situation means that it wasn't russia that hacked the dnc and leaked the file to wikileaks, but the cia that did it - and that they then blamed it on russia, because...
4) the next step is to take trump out. i don't know how this works. do you impeach him? force him to resign?

the scenario could have been different had trump not picked an insider like pence. but, he did. and i'm expecting that pence ends up as president sometime in the next year or two, as trump is pushed out on this russia thing - which is not actually a real thing, but a manufactured cia plot to push him out.

it's easy to call me names and stuff, but it keeps playing out the way i'm suggesting it will. so...