Monday, April 3, 2017

for those curious, i *am* still vlogging. i have a huge backlog of videos to edit.

right now, it looks like i'm jumping from a four week lag to an eight week lag. hey, if i get in this mess again, i'll expand it further. i like doing this for historical reasons, but i like having the distance, too.

what i need to do is wind my way back to the cloud nothings review. once i get there, i'll get back to editing. that's how i got on this path. and, i don't even remember what i'm back to, after that.

the second hand smoke is back in the apartment, this morning. it took a weekend to seep back in, after i'd kept it out for the last six weeks. and, i cleaned this weekend, too. hopefully, the human rights commission is swift in it's ruling, because i should not have to deal with this when the solution is so easy and simple and cheap.