Sunday, March 18, 2018

the idea that we're going to throw away music, poetry or culture by discarding religion is just ignorant. dawkins tends to argue we should keep it, but he's maybe not aware of the actual history.

most of the art we connect to christianity is absurdly over-rated. and, there's no deficit of secular art since the renaissance, either. it's a false binary.

which isn't to say we should burn down the sistine chapel, so much as it is to suggest we should approach it like a museum. i'd rather hang out at the parthenon, myself.

today is reznor day....

i only got halfway through machina I on the corgan kick before i had to stop. machina II was better. but, it gets spotty after the stigmata ost.

the air is clearing out in the bedroom, if perhaps even getting worse in the living room. i'm going to have to really clear out the cabinets, as it's coming up behind them. but i need to be sure i've fixed the bedroom up, first.

it's warm today. finally...