Thursday, May 3, 2018

typical tory media idiocy - designed to emotionally manipulate you, rather than get to the facts of the situation.

yes, it's expensive.

but, the testing that's put in place isn't just designed to determine efficacy, it is also designed to determine safety, as well. we don't just not know that these drugs will help her; we don't know that they won't hurt her, either.

no doctor should be approving a drug that hasn't yet been deemed safe, or hasn't yet been deemed effective. and, this is really the point of failure, here: doctors pushing untested medication, and unrealistic expectations around that untested medication.

science is a slow, difficult process. but, the more important question isn't around coverage, it's around approval - and we simply can't be approving untested drugs until we're sure that they're safe.

wynne should not worry about this kind of anti-intellectualism in her own base. but, it's the kind of thing that destroys the ndp...