Sunday, July 8, 2018

if you want to see how donald trump will treat doug ford, look at how he treated chris christie.

i think maybe the issue is that so many people are interpreting trump through the filter of alec baldwin. they're getting this caricature of him, blurring reality with fiction and ultimately missing the point.

donald trump is not a conservative; doug ford is quite textbook. trump will instantly interpret doug ford as the complete idiot that he is, and treat him like it - because that's how donald trump has always treated conservatives, like idiots.

if you want a kindred spirit?

send chretien.

donald trump is the complete opposite of doug ford; he is, rather, the mirror image of jean chretien. and, he's ultimately not that dissimilar from trudeau's father, either.

in canada, he'd be a fucking liberal. and, the liberals are so lost in their worship of the democratic party under obama that they can't see their own reflection when placed right in front of them.

they're failing the mirror test.