Thursday, September 13, 2018

there has been music coming up from downstairs for over 48 hours. and, the weird thing about it, right now, is that it's some kind of ebm.

that is, the kind of thing that you're supposed to experience in a live setting, with people.

and, i'm left imagining this 50+ year old woman, sitting in her apartment, by herself, listening to club music, smoking herself stupid and...what? imagining she wasn't 50+ years old? imagining she was out having fun? on a wednesday night? on thursday afternoon?

everything about this situation is just so remarkably pathetic. and, if there's any debate, the only meaningful one is whether she needs psychiatric help or should be tolerated.

but, the shift in mindset you need to have is around whether she's harmless.

she's not harmless.

she's severely degrading my health, by chain-smoking for hours at a time.