Wednesday, November 7, 2018

personally, i think it's a matter of time before the idea of marijuana as a medicine is essentially laughed out of court. it's kind of astounding that it ever ended up viewed that way in the first place, really. we may have to wait for rigorous studies that tie habitual marijuana use, specifically, to things like lung cancer and heart disease.

the problem is that you have to smoke the stuff, and that people are so used to the onset of instant effects. if your neighbour is a drunk, they might be loud sometimes, but the habit doesn't directly affect you. if your neighbour is a pothead, that is going to have a direct impact on you, and it's not in any way reasonable to suggest that they should be able to avoid liability for it.

it is true that i like to smoke pot at live music events a couple of times a year, away from the house, and with long periods of time in between. but, i learned first-hand just how psychologically, mentally and intellectually damaging that living downwind from a pothead can actually be, and i came out of the experience starkly convinced that serious regulations are required to protect the health and mental well-being of people dealing with chronic, unwanted exposure.

it's not ok to just smoke up and tell your neighbours to fuck off if they don't like it. you should be liable for the consequences of that, via some kind of tort process or broader negligence claim.