Wednesday, December 5, 2018


so, if i'm going to have to spend the next several months prying the information away from the judge, i'm going to file the civil case, first. that's the big money, anyways.

hey, that's what the city asked's what the city's got...

and, i may have to just go ahead with the human rights complaint, regardless.

this isn't about the prosecutor. i don't care about the prosecutor, and i'm not attacking the court for discrimination. i think the court, itself, actually dealt with the situation well, and i'm disappointed that it's participating in a cover-up. they were never the target, here.

what i want are the statements coming from the complainant, as they were read to me by the prosecutor. i'm going after the audio because it's the source i know. and, that entire section of the audio has been completely erased. gone. kaput. if they're going to wipe the audio, i'm not going to get it in a foia...

it was a smoking gun. and, i'm going to continue to fight for it. but, it's not totally necessary to move the case forwards.

i'm currently pretty tired, so i'm going to take a nap. i'm going to clean a little, shower. i'm going to plan to put this all together next week.

the reality is that i have a very good argument that something is very wrong - i have multiple recollections close to the source, and can point to several things that i remember completely differently. releasing the audio on it's own doesn't help, when it's full of obvious splices and doesn't have a time stamp. if they were going to lie to me in the first place, right? it's still the same basic point - you have to something to hide or you don't.

but, this is why i'm not a lawyer - the system is corrupt to the core, and i didn't want anything to do with it.