Friday, February 1, 2019


i have not been paying attention to concert schedules since around june, and i know i missed some stuff in the fall (i would have liked to see gang gang dance, but i think the rest was stuff i've seen in the last few years; that's something i'll have to backtrack on and figure out). i simply don't know what information the border cops have access to, but i don't think i should have any problems - that's something i'm trying to figure out. but, regardless, the weather since mid october has been prohibitive given the tunnel. even heading out for a $5 punk show would have required me to spend the night and come back in the morning.

if the weather clears up for mid february, and i get a proper response on my information request, i could maybe start being a little more social again relatively soon. 

there's just nothing to do in windsor, really. that one bar i used to go to sometimes has shifted out of an indie demographic and to a more ethnic one; math rock nights are out, soul groove nights are in. i'm not hating, i'm just not interested.

but, it's been a year since i've done anything, now. i'm sure i'll be eager to look around for concerts in the spring, one way or another. there will come a night when i just need to get out of the house...