Saturday, June 8, 2019

i've pointed this out before - americans have a big problem with walking. they seem to think it's medieval, or something.

where are all my virile, fit gay boys at? c'mon. it's literally around the corner. what's the point? you bros don't even lift, do you?

we should be marching to ferndale and back, dammit.

so, i'm not marching across the street. it's symbolic, sure, but rather silly, in truth.

i actually took an unexpect nap this afternoon and ended up staying in tonight. that means i get to take the long option for tomorrow. and it is long...

the actual event at the plaza is just over-priced drinks and bad music. so, i'm going to be a good queer and get some actual culture in and do this instead, tentatively:

11:00-12:00 - windsor poutine festival. cost of food. riverside marina, windsor.
13:00-15:00 - akropolis pop-up. experimental classical music. free. dequindre cut.
15:30 - 16:30 - belle isle dance performance. ambient music. belle isle nature centre.
16:30 - 17:00 - exploring belle isle for the first time on a bicycle.
18:00 - 19:30 - having a beer or two somewhere in hamtramck.
19:30-22:00 - facs. no wave art rock. free. painted lady.
22:15-00:00 - oozing wound. thrash pronk. $10. sanctuary.
00:15-02:00 -  ufos on the floor. experimental techno. free. high dive.
03:00-07:00++ - "after thots" queer dance party. free. eagle of detroit.
++07:00-11:00--  ?
--11:00-14:00 - hangover brunch. free (+ the cost of food, presumably). detroit shipping co. 
15:00-18:00 - rachmaninov/bartok/paganini. legit high art. $15. dso.

catch me if you can.