Monday, July 22, 2019

right, so i don't think that justin trudeau wants to bring sharia law to canada after the next election, although i would question as to whether he may allow for religious courts some time in the future.

i want to take a mild detour, here, though, because what a change has happened with the liberals in the last ten years. in 2007, dalton mcguinty - with many of the same advisors that trudeau has today - successfully won an election in ontario by ruthlessly attacking the conservative party for wanting to bring in muslim schools. this is the kind of liberal party i grew up supporting, and the kind of liberal party i want to come back again. he also, to much fanfare and praise, banned the possibilities of religious arbitration in the court system (, which is the root cause of a lot of the backlash you see happening today. this was clearly the right choice.

so, is talking about sharia law in canada scare-mongering? well, if you do the research, you'll know it's not - and that people suggesting it isn't a real concern are either ignorant of the facts or operating as spin doctors. this is an issue with a legitimate history in canada, and something that is going to continue to come up as the muslim population increases. with the existing realities around immigration in canada, it's not a question of if this becomes a serious political debate but when it does. so, what is the tipping point? we're at around 5% and growing. is it 10%? 25%?

and, no - we should not have any tolerance for the concept of religious arbitration, at all. we have a secular legal system built on judicial precedent and the common law in canada, and i have no interest in reforming or changing that.

what happened to dalton mcguinty? well, he resigned in an apparent attempt to run for prime minister, a job he's far more qualified for than the current occupant of the office is. if it were mcguinty running for reelection, he'd probably have a better record in office and i'd probably be supporting him. he was supposed to be the guy, and everybody could see it. but, he dropped out in a mysterious way, without really giving a clear answer about it. at the time, it really seemed like he was getting a little bit of pressure to step aside to clear the way for trudeau, and that does seem to be what he actually did. but, in hindsight, i wonder if he didn't just wake up one day and realize that trudeau had poached all his staff.