Wednesday, July 17, 2019

so, do i think this is a coincidence?


i think they want to keep this out of court and they thought they could sit on it. so, what i did worked, basically, in getting them to get a move on it.

but, for them, it's more about positioning. if i go in there and nail them on a report that's 100, 120 days late, the judge is going to take my side, off the bat. they know that. so, it was a dumb tactic, they thought they were calling my bluff, and now they're backtracking...

again: i'll have to read the report. i guess there's an infinitesimal chance it's the end.

but, we're almost certainly going to court.

i should be able to use most of what i typed up today, in the end.

and, i guess the other two cases can wait...