Monday, August 5, 2019

so, what am i doing?

there's nothing planned this week. i was considering taking a ride out to royal oak to see bad religion on wednesday, but that's the second show there this summer where the ticket prices are just ridiculous. belle & sebastien was like $80. bad religion is $60. really. bad religion. $60. is this strictly a ticketmaster thing? that venue isn't much bigger than the majestic or st. andrew's, and i've never seen a show at either of those places charging $60 for floor admission. those are prices more in line with day festivals than with concerts. fuck, i can see the symphony for $15 if i'm willing to sit at the top.

needless to say, i'm not paying that. in fact, i'm very rarely going to pay more than $30 for a show, that's kind of my max, so it's about twice what i'm willing to think about. sorry.

i'm really hoping to get the rebuild for september done in the next day or two. i'm then going to need to focus on cleaning a bit, and then on tracking down the oiprd report. again: if they want to drag this out and make themselves look bad, it's their choice. i at least got a response from the ohrc, and they're indicating that they're processing the claim and will get back to me on it.

i think i want to actually put down the goal of getting started on october for the end of the week.

and, i think i'm mostly going to avoid eating for the week, as well. how much did i drink on saturday night? well, i had a 700 ml bottle of mountain dew with two shots of vodka to start, then i split a 500 ml can of mike's for the ride in and the morning lull, i had two small can's of stroh's (355 ml) at outer limits, and i had five cans of various beer at marble. that's over 13 hours, btw. so, that's 355*7 + 500 + 700 = 3.685 L, but the beer isn't as bad, calorie wise, as what i was drinking last week. so, i don't think this week was that bad, calorie wise...

...but i didn't really finish the purge last week. i had a meal on saturday morning, and then i ate when i came back on sunday afternoon, and ate again last night. so, it was really only a three day purge. that means i'll have to hold off on a real meal until friday to cut out a full week worth of calories, which was the initial intent. and, i have two days worth of smoothies to tide myself over as it's happening.

again: i'm not running a marathon on no food, here. i'm sitting in my bed rebuilding a blog from 2013. so, i'm expending minimal energy. and, the logic is that i've drank at least an extra week's worth of calories in alcohol over the last month, so i'm going to cut out a week's worth of calories in food to compensate.

i know what i'm doing, but don't do this at home, kids.