Tuesday, January 28, 2020


so, i'm out of the shower, and i kind of lost the day, but i guess that's expected.

i actually haven't finished testing the stuff i uploaded yesterday, yet. i'm about half done. it's really a formality.

but, if i'm going to have the chromebook on anyways, then i'm going to use it to do the february lookahead. i've 95% convinced myself that the hard drive and operating system are stable, but i want to leave it on until i get groceries, which will probably be on friday. at that point, if it hasn't crashed, i'll pretty much have proven the point....

that means i have no audio on my main system for the week.

but, i'm going to plan to set up the list for the month first, then finish the testing and then get on to the next thing. 

i must call the court early in the morning.

and, i'll want to get the motion in the mail on friday.