Friday, January 24, 2020

so, i think that's the extent of what i can do from here, for now.

i still need to:

1) double check the pdf files.
2) build the liner notes
3) clean everything up
4) do this all over again for january, 2014

it kind of sucks that i haven't been able to listen to any music, as well, but that's all connected to the other laptop. i've been sitting here in dead silence, just trying to get as much done as i can, as quickly as i can.

again, i wish i understood what this person or entity's motive was. as far as i can tell, they're just being assholes for the sake of it.

i'm going to get some fruit before i disconnect the modem for the night. i should be able to rebuild before sunrise, but i should spend the day sleeping - excepting that few hours yesterday morning, i've been up since wednesday afternoon. if i can get back into a normal nocturnal pattern, again...