Monday, February 24, 2020

so, i just activated a machine with a disabled network card, no "network connections" service (or other services) running, no installed network adapters....


either this is operating at like a bios level, or i've tricked myself into thinking it's connecting, when it's actually rebuilding something locally.

it sort of doesn't matter just right now, but it's very weird. it's telling me that it's connecting remotely - either it's lying, or the connection is essentially impossible for me to get at, with the the broken backlit screen, and my subsequent inability to get into the bios. maybe that's why that happened...?

also, the weird remote access drivers have mysteriously disappeared.

i'm left with no greater faith in the sanctity of the situation, but i have to carry on, for now.

let's hope i can get this cleaned up in a few hours.