Wednesday, November 4, 2020


i was sloppy in taking the vector out. there were initially four issues: a, b5, b7, b15. i boosted the all bran for the b15 and calculated the a as the new bottleneck. so, i needed enough vector to get 4% of the rdi for retinol - because that would mean i'd also have enough b5 and b7. then, i subbed in the yogurt to replace the a, without adjusting for the b5 or b7. it wasn't that i miscalculated or something, i just overlooked it.

b5 is not listed on the label for the yogurt, but it should be substantive, due to the milk. that should be ok.

the vector, however, was quite highly fortified with biotin, and while i actually can find some yogurt that has some biotin, it doesn't have any a or d or b12 (and, i am making use of that d3 after all, even if it's secondary), thereby eliminating the point. so, where else can i got biotin?

one answer is seaweed, which i was looking at anyways for the epa and dha and may very well bring in. 

but, the vector is simply a better source of vitamins at a lower cost, especially if i cut it down to a very small amount. if i go back to 15 g/day, i can get 55 days out of a box of the stuff. that's only $0.15/day, and it's only 60 calories - about the same as a cup of law fat soy milk. it's also still over 23% of the rdi for biotin. 

i can get the same amount of retinol from 67 g of yogurt, which would only be 23 calories, but would cost $0.30. i'd get more vitamins i don't need, but i'd lose out on the ones i do. bad idea, after all.

so, replacing the vector with yogurt may perhaps reduce the number of calories, but it's neither cost effective nor particularly vitamin efficient. and, it does matter, after all. i'm needing to pull back on that. so long as i keep it down, the vector is not so bad. 

instead, then, could i sub the yogurt to cut into the ice cream for the a? i do want to hold on to some ice cream for the saturated fat, but that seems like the better trade-off, calorie-wise.

for 100 ml of ice cream, there's 8*100/125 = 6.4% of the rdi for retinol - a roughly equivalent amount as for 100 ml of yogurt. 100 ml of ice cream is 1/20th of the tub, which is 6.00/20 = $.30. so, i'm currently spending $.60 on ice cream a day. the same amount of yogurt is $3.00/6.50 = $0.46. so, if i subbed the yogurt in, i'd be spending $0.76 instead of $0.60. if i put in 150/50, it's going to end up .45 + .23 = .68. and, 175/25 is .60*175/200 + .46/4 = $0.64.

calorie wise, 175/25 is 224*175/200 + 35/4 = 204.75; 150/50 is 224*150/200 + 35/2 = 185.5. 

in total, the second option would be:

avocado - 240 
ice cream - 168  <----decreased to 150 ml
all bran - 125  <----increased to 45 g
banana - 121  
soy milk - 96  <----increased to 400 ml
vector - 60
kiwi - 45   
flax - 37.4
strawberry - 32  <----decreased to 100 g
guava - 20.4   <----two, not one
yogurt - 17.5 <----- decreased to 50 ml/g
yeast - 11.25 

that leaves space open for seaweed, and i expect it is otherwise the final tweak.