Sunday, December 6, 2020

see, this is the other slant on it.

....because those who know, know. and, we know that isis is hardly a spontaneous group of random islamic radicals that arose from nowhere out of the desert, but is rather a very organized, professional group that is at least funded by the fake saudi theocracy. 

ah, the fake saudi theocracy - that sips wine between beatings for impropriety. that makes them worse - they're not crazy, they're just evil.

at least funded by the saudis - we know that, we can figure that out with minimal effort. it's when you get deeper than that that it gets messy.

how much support did isis get, or still gets, from the cia, anyways? it seems clear that it's non-zero, but the depth of it is blurry. 

so, who's interests am i advancing when i call for the bombing of isis prisoner of war camps? and, why exactly is it that i get so much pushback from curious places when i do that?

you might accuse me of standing with the military and advancing endless war, but you might be misguided in doing so.

"quraishi" means "of the tribe of muhammad". it's like an arab hapsburg, or bourbon - a member of the ruling clique. how distant is this guy from mbs, really? the answer is no doubt "not very".

and, this is the wrench in this - it's not entirely clear what's really going on, here. is. but nobody wants to come out and say it...

these women are being protected by powerful people. and, my calls for justice are in direct opposition to what the elite wants for the region.

the good guys, here, are actually the russians. but, they're too soft....