Saturday, May 1, 2021

no posts yesterday? really?

yeah, but it's misleading.

i fell asleep a little after midnight on friday morning while i was eating pasta and woke up a little before the sun came up, with the requirement to finish the meal. i had opened my fridge up on thursday afternoon to dethaw, and was expecting the landlord to come down in the morning to remove the electronic panel and clear out the drain. i was consequently sort of wasting time until he got here, which didn't happen until after 14:00. i spent the time working on a pasta bowl update post that i didn't finish until i had to get out to the store before they closed around 20:00, and i fell asleep when i got back.   

so, i was typing out a big post that i might not finish for a few more days, still.

i don't need to physically go to the doctors' offices every few days this month, so i want to get all of the running around for the month done before monday, finish cleaning on that side of the space (now that the fridge is fixed, hopefully) and settle in for the next several weeks, which is how i like it.

so, posts might be slow for the rest of the weekend.

enjoy my deny everything sequence, while i'm gone.