Sunday, August 18, 2024

this is black box harris at work: you can imagine she'll do whatever you want her to do. baby.

i actually think that harris is probably more pro-jewish than biden and that her language about too many people dying is just politics. biden is the master of smoke and mirrors, so it takes a little bit of effort to figure out that at the root of his policy is a a personality conflict with netanyahu, and a desire to take him down a notch. frankly, not many people can get away with this, either, but biden should not be meddling in this process the way he has been, he's just creating problems, not solutions. i've posted about this before. a summary is that while many arabs may legitimately want peace, the iranians and their proxies do not, and he's consequently out of touch and fighting the wrong war. that boat has sailed. he actually wants to put the palestinian authority in charge of gaza, which is just literally turning the clocks back and will obviously create a civil war.

i don't actually expect harris is going to spend much time on the middle east at all, if she wins (which i'd consider to be unlikely at this point). i hope she sends blinken to the Neville Chamberlin Cemetary of Failed Statesman. besides that, i wouldn't expect much at all.

rather, i would expect harris to take a dramatic veer towards domestic policy and hold to it, while delegating these foreign policy issues to military experts that know better, which is what biden should be doing but isn't.

for now, though, you can imagine what harris will do, and pretend you can support it. that's her upside as a candidate, and sometimes it works, but not this time, i don't think.