Wednesday, September 11, 2024

i want to post an update on the status of this site and my writing, video, music and other art projects, in general.

i've been pointing out for roughly five years that somebody was trying to hack my sites and decided it was probably a government. i've restricted my suspects to the canadian, american, russian and saudi governments, but have long decided that the most likely suspect was my own government in canada, and that they may be trying to make it look like the russians or saudis as a decoy.

my house was purchased in the spring of 2023 and it took a few months for me to become certain that the house was bought by somebody connected to the state trying to take over my sites. they have also been trying to detransition me.

i am in a legal battle with these battle that i am trying to direct into a ticket into subsidized housing. i moved to windsor from ottawa in 2013 to seek a lower cost of living. this started to break up a little around 2018ish and by the end of the pandemic, it was clear that there was nowhere in this country that i could afford to exist in and live the lifestyle i want to live. i need to get into subsidized housing. i don't have any other solution.

in the mean time, i have a team of professional hackers sitting upstairs trying to break into my sites. they have literally broken into my apartment and stolen my passwords on several occasions. they have repeatedly drugged me with testosterone.

i am not going to be able to do anything in relation to any of these art projects until:

1) i'm able to get into a situation where i'm no longer being drugged. i can't function in any capacity when i'm under the influence of the drugs they're giving me.
2) my network is secure.

so, unfortunately, everything is on pause until i can shake these shitheads off, and i don't know how long that's going to take. moving is a necessary but perhaps not sufficient condition.

for this reason, i am hoping there's a change of government in canada as soon as possible, even if it's not in my economic self-interest in the long run.