Thursday, March 5, 2015

this approach doesn't work. when you convert these issues into media, it sets off partisan reactions that actually harden attitudes because contrarians interact with this sort of thing with the intent to get into a fight. the more you challenge them, the more they push back. it's a waste of time. but it's actually worse than a waste of time, too.

in the end, it doesn't matter. this is a rights issue. it's not up for plebiscite, and shouldn't be.

but, when you start pushing buttons like this, you increase the chance of hateful responses while doing nothing to increase understanding. it's preaching to the liberal choir, while riling up the socially conservative base.

which is just not smart politics.

nobody likes having things rubbed in their faces. it's confrontational. i don't want shit rubbed in my face, and am not going to be a hypocrite by rubbing shit into the face of others. i'd really rather that the queer community would just shut the fuck up and go about their lives as though it's not an issue. because, at this point, i feel we're the only people making it one, and it's to our eventual detriment.