Wednesday, July 22, 2015

it's very delicate. quebec has already made the choice for the rest of canada: the serious option is the ndp, by lieu of their dominance there. if the country goes along with this, the ndp will likely sweep. but, if it doesn't go along with this then the vote splits and harper sweeps. for all the talk of a close election, the three-way dynamic is actually putting down two dramatic majorities as the only really likely outcomes. the way these models are distributing votes is really not likely to translate into reality; you're really not likely to see any sort of minority government come out of this election.

Tired taxpayer
@Jessica Murray .........................Sorry dear but quebec does not make the choice for Canada, that was proven last election. Not trying to be nasty but id rather have putin run Canada than a PM from quebec, especially those two clowns.

Jessica Murray
@Tired taxpayer well, putin and harper are ideologically very similar, so you might get your wish.