Wednesday, July 22, 2015

yeah, but how many people pick him as second choice? calm down. a quarter of a half is an eighth, and that's roughly what you'd expect his rhetoric - which is populist, he doesn't really mean it - to actually appeal to.

if a study were published tomorrow that said that a little more than 10% of americans are xenophobic, white supremacist, racist doofuses, you'd argue the numbers are too low.

supporters of the religious right won't vote for him. he's bad enough that moderates and independents might actually vote democrat. that's likely a plateau...

however, it says a lot about the economic situation in the united states, which needs to be seriously addressed. trump is profiting from it in the short term. it's what he does. a wake up call, but we're not there, yet.

yeah. you addressed that second point. good analysis.