Tuesday, December 1, 2015

see, this is the media narrative that we've been burdened with for the last several decades and that i'd really like to see just go away.

two $40,000/yr jobs (if that) isn't even statistical error in the budget.

and, i don't say this in any particular defense of trudeau. i state it in defense of rational thinking on the fiscal front - as it applies to a wide variety of things.

if you're angry about this, it's just flat out irrational.

i'd rather flip the situation around.

are these workers getting enough hours to earn a living wage? do they have sufficient benefits - dental, for example?

what's more important, here - that these workers have rights or the couple of thousandths of a cent it would cost you to ensure they do?


Yeah, but logic and rational thought never were Con strong points.

jessica murray
well, the reality is that it isn't even that they're bad at logic, it's more that they go out of their way to subvert it.