Monday, March 20, 2017

see, i've build my entire life around avoiding participating in markets. i maybe wasn't cognizant of it until my late 20s, but it was nonetheless the driving force from the start.

at school, i'd avoid participating, even to my own detriment. there were classes that i aced and yet ended up with Bs in because i blew off the 10% participation mark. and, i always felt it was a just protest, and the school could fuck off for trying to force me to participate against my will.

i've spent my whole life trying to avoid labour. i remember going to a job interview, once, where i told the hiring manager that i wasn't there to make friends, and she practically started crying, as though rejecting participation was some kind of crime against humanity. i've always chosen the path of least participation.

and, i've been single most of my life because it's just another game that i don't want to participate in.

so, if the tendency to uphold participation as paramount defines this generation, you really don't want to look to me as a representative. i'm the exact opposite of that. i'd sell my soul to never have to participate in society ever again.