Saturday, July 14, 2018

i got a letter that the landlord is "doing electrical work" on monday.

i'm mildly concerned, yes. but, i know my rights.

this is just a friendly reminder that landlord interference with hydro or water in ontario is a felony that is potentially punishable by imprisonment.

Common offences under the Act

The following offences are reported most often:

For landlords:
  • disconnecting or interfering with a vital service that the landlord is required to supply to tenants (e.g. heat, electricity, fuel, gas or water)
  • failing to provide rent receipts to tenants who request them
  • illegally evicting a tenant without following the eviction process
  • failing to make a tenant’s belongings available within 72 hours of eviction
  • collecting unlawful security deposits
  • altering the locking system for a rental unit or residential complex without giving the tenant replacement keys
  • providing false or misleading information in documents filed with the Landlord and Tenant Board.

i don't have time. i'm trying to plan a delicate move.

but, if necessary, i will send people to jail for their stupidity, and not think twice about it.