Monday, August 6, 2018

so, you've got a couple of conservatives taking advantage of the situation to push for more dumb-on-crime rules that prioritize retribution over resolution.

if we consider repeat gun offenders - which none of these mass shooters ever are - we need to ask the question as to why it is that this person has picked up a gun not once but twice or however many times, and there's really no answer, in the case of repeat offenders, besides mental illness.

so, what we need to figure out with repeat offenders is:

1) do they understand what they're doing?
2) are they capable of understanding what they're doing?

it's not an issue that we can solve with laws and rules and cops and brute force - it's an issue that we need to deploy science and reason towards. we need to get to the psychology of it.

the science is clear: punishing people simply doesn't work. so, we have to figure out who can be rehabilitated, and who can't - and then keep the people that are incapable of understanding their behaviour off of the street, while rehabilitating those who are capable of being rehabilitated.