Tuesday, November 13, 2018

it's a waste of time for everybody, as there's only two possible outcomes. the first is a secularization process, which leads to an end point where we're not talking about muslims anymore but arabs or pakistanis or somalis or whatever that have apostatized and denounced the faith, and then it's no longer a discussion - they're just some liberals with some brown skin, and nobody on the left is going to care about that. the other is that they hold hard to their religion, in which case that wall needs to come up, and it just needs to be explained to them that their views are not consistent with a secular, liberal or, dare i shudder to say, "progressive" view of western democracy - that they're going to find their values better reflected in the republican party.

see, and then the solidarity lies on a racial level and it starts to get weird, because the left should support the rights of muslims to be republicans and be accepted by conservative institutions. and, then what? do democrats write laws that force the republican institutions to accept muslims as equals? in a functional sense, this is what democrats and leftists are actually arguing for - the right to register these people as republican voters.

...because there has to be a breaking point, eventually. the left can only stand up for people they are fundamentally in opposition to for so long, and if there is ever any level of actual success, the muslims themselves are not shy in admitting that they will instantly bolt to the right.

so, what's the point?

the left needs to give the muslims a choice - convert or get lost.
