Tuesday, May 7, 2019

to be clear for the sheltered folks that don't know.

mushrooms won't make you see things like acid, or at least not in any dose considered reasonable. that's not the "hallucinations" people refer to, in context.

a mushroom hallucination is more like a period of temporary schizophrenia. the literature may use terms like "paranoia", but that's not really what it's about. the trip will turn you into a conspiracy theorist; you'll start piecing together things, making sense of things that never made sense before. when you wake up, you'll have to grapple with this: either you put together some nonsense (an example might be coming to the clear certainty that your partner must be cheating on you, then realizing when you come to that you were lost in a fantasy and they actually aren't), or you did make sense of something that alluded you. this is why you get people talking about epiphanies on trips; the same thing that makes you a delusional conspiracy theorist for a few hours could also make you a brilliant detective.

the problem is when these conspiracy theories become real in the presence of agitation. you do hear every once in a while about somebody going on a killing spree with a butcher knife due to a mushroom trip; it's infrequent, but it happens. if you do mushrooms, you should at least be prepared to have to deal with this, because it's going to happen.

but, you're not going to think you're talking to a unicorn or something. that's acid.