Tuesday, May 7, 2019

i've done a fair amount of mushrooms in my life, but not since i've moved to windsor, and only once in the ten years before i left. in fact, i think i've only done them three times since i turned 21. i don't know how many times i did them in high school. 40? 50?

and, that's the thing with mushrooms, as well as acid: people legitimately grow out of it. i still smoke pot and drink beer, but i don't imagine that decriminalization would make me more likely to do mushrooms again. as adults tend to avoid it because it's kind of intense, decriminalization would be likely to fuel an underage market, which is maybe not terrible because they aren't habitual like marijuana or alcohol or nicotine, but is what it is, nonetheless.

you should not expect much of a legal market for this drug for adults.

i don't want to say to approach this with caution, exactly. i don't have any real opposition to decriminalizing. but, if you don't have the experience, trust me on this: a mushroom trip is a substantively more powerful experience than marijuana or alcohol, to the point that there's no comparison. i mean, you can argue that smoking a joint is kind of like taking two or three shots of vodka at once, only that it tends to last longer than the shots will. you'd have to eat a lot of marijuana to get tracers, and you'd have to go through some kind of dramatic alcohol poisoning to have something like a mushroom trip.

mushrooms will make you imagine things that aren't true; a part of the trip is the conspiracy theory. you may find yourself immobile at points, or lost observing geometric patterns unfolding in front of you. you might become unresponsive to others. while it might lead to euphoria, to suggest it can help cure depression would be dangerously misleading; what mushrooms do is heighten your existing emotional state, so it's only likely to get you euphoric if you're already in a good  mood. if you take shrooms when you're having a bad day, the negativity you're feeling is actually going to end up amplified, and you're going to have a "bad trip". i am beyond skeptical of this research, and willing to call complete bullshit on it. 'shrooms are relatively safe if you're experienced and in a positive state when you do them, but they may lead to agitation and violence if you aren't, and you should not be treating them like they're some kind of medicine.

you can teach your kids to use alcohol and marijuana sparingly and responsibly; 'shrooms are in a different category, and you should be telling your kids to mostly avoid them. 'shrooms are only for special occasions...and only when you're sure the environment is safe.....
