so, i just realized something profound....
i didn't get hungover all summer. it's been, like, two years, and then some, since i had a hangover.
thinking it through, i guess the reason i've avoided hangovers is due to the overnights - if i buy my last drink around 2:00 (and finish it a little later, probably before 6:00 anyways), and it takes an hour or two for the bus, and i get something to eat, and it takes however long to get home, then i don't end up falling asleep drunk due to the sheer amount of time it takes to get home.
but, i stayed in windsor last night, and did in fact fall asleep drunk.
so, now i'm hungover, for the first time in ages.
and, it's a little uncomfortable. somewhat unpleasant, even.
but, this, too, shall pass.