Wednesday, February 19, 2020

this is moving more quickly here for two reasons:

1) there are no actual indigenous groups involved
2) it's alberta

but, if they wanted, they could have them charged with terrorism under canadian law, because there's a provision in the terrorism act public works protection act for rail infrastructure.

again: i want to stand with any kind of substantive action, and i'll morally stand with these protesters in alberta, even if i basically think they're retarded. but, what did they accomplish here? they just got themselves fined and arrested - it was completely pointless.

and, this is what will happen here, too, eventually.

i want to support meaningful direct action, and if you want to call me a traitor or whatever for pulling back on this, that's fine - i think you're a buffoon for fighting quixotic losing battles, and setting up binary choices around complex concerns. i don't mind if stupid people claim i'm not standing with them; they're stupid, so who cares?

i want to actually stop the pipeline, not join a club or have a circle jerk.

marches and demonstrations are one thing, but there's no way these blockades end well. i won't denounce them, but i do wish they'd stop, for their own good. it makes you wonder if these are even provocateurs, really, that are just trying to kill popular support for the indigenous groups.